LVF Catalog

Fluoride Glass Fibers


Le Verre Fluore reduces the prices of its standard multimode fibers and patch cables. Prices drop up to 20% !


While raw materials and energy prices increase, Le Verre Fluore decides to reduce the prices of its standard multimode fibers and patch cables !

Our objective is, not only to provide customers with the best and most tranparent fluoride fibers on the market, but also to make them more cost effective in the long term.

Datasheets and prices can be downloaded at the following pages :

ZBLAN multimode fibers 👉

InF3 multimode fibers 👉

Multimode fiber patch cables 👉

We thanks all of our customers for their trust and loyalty.

#price #product #fiber #opticalfiber #fiberoptics #patchcable  #midIR #midinfrared #spectroscopy