Mid-IR supercontinuum laser technology
For infrared countermeasures and other applications
Since 2009, Le Verre Fluoré has been pioneering in development of a range of mid-IR supercontinuum laser solutions. Unique solutions are proposed in order to ensure long term reliabilty and industrial compliance.
Since 2017, Electro-MIR 4100 and 4800 are the commercial supercontinuum sources born from Le Verre Fluoré over 40 years’ experience in Fluoride fibers and LEUKOS’ over 10 years’ experience in the field of supercontinuum laser.
These supercontinuum sources exhibit a high brightness from 700 up to 4100 or 4800 nm. Thus, they are ideal solutions for mid-infrared applications such as infrared spectrometry, countermeasures (IRCM), spectral fingerprinting… Robust, compact, reliable, they can easily be integrated in laboratories as well as industrial environments.
Discover their features, specifications and applications below.

- High brightness single-mode IR beam
- Outstanding wavelength coverage
- Wavelength coverage: 700-4100nm (Electro MIR 4100) / 1000-4800nm (Electro MIR 4800)
- Typical output power: >1W / > 500mW
- Beam quality: TEM00 Gaussian beam
- Repetition rate: 250 kHz
- Output coupling: FC/APC connector
- Infrared spectrometry
- Infrared countermeasures
- Spectral fingerprinting
- Hyperspectral imaging
- Optical Coherence Tomography OCT
- Research and development
- Your application