LVF Catalog

Fluoride Glass Fibers

Bulk fluoride glasses

Bulk fluoride glasses

Le Verre Fluoré can provide any kind of bulk fluoride glasses such as parallelepipeds, ribbons, rods, tubes, prisms…

Those bulks can be homogeously doped or co-doped with rare earths (Er, Pr, Ho, Tm, Dy, Ho/Tm, Er/Pr, Pr/Yb…) depending on your requirements.

Erbium fluorescence under UV excitation
Europium fluorescence under UV excitation

Our bulk fluoride glasses can be used as robust fluorescent solid-state dye, wavelength reference material, light converter, as well as for glass science, study of specific properties of fluoride glasses, in UV, visiblenear-infrared and mid-infrared ranges.


In fluorescence spectrometry ,  they replace advantageously liquid dyes in the calibration of the spectral response of spectrometers (UV excitation at different wavelengths from 255 nm to 395 nm, large range of visible fluorescence peaks).


  • calibration/detection of UV sources with visible sensors (UV to VIS light conversion)
  • detection of NIR sources (NIR to VIS light conversion)
  • calibration of spectrometers and imagers (spectral calibration: fluorescence or absorption spikes at specific wavelengths)


 Here are some examples of visible emissions observed when excitation rare eath doped fluoride glasses in UV :



Light converters


your own bulks 

Fluorescence and wavelength calibration

Customize your own combination of UV
exciting wavelength / visible fluorescence peak

If you have a special request, please contact our experts!


• Doping/Co-doping
• Shape/size
• Polishing grade